ScreenRuler update

The newest ScreenRuler adds mouse tracking, helping you get precise measurements:

ScreenRuler Mouse Tracking

This is by far the most requested feature so I’m happy to finally get it done. 🙂  It works for all metrics: pixels, centimeters, inches, picas, points, and percentage.

The arrow keys now move the ruler by 1 pixel, and Shift-ArrowKeys move it by a bigger step, which is the reverse of previous versions.  I hope this makes single-pixel adjustment easier to use and more discoverable.

This release also includes a fix for the only known bug and adds the icon made by Jaanos:

Screenruler About Dialog

After some testing and feedback I’ll update the Ubuntu package.

6 Responses to ScreenRuler update

  1. Porcolino says:

    Too bad that:
    * we can’t translate it
    * the icon doesn’t fit well in the high contrast themes

    I would like to make it translatable. I’ll have to investigate how that is done with a ruby-gnome app, unless you can offer tips.

    Why doesn’t the icon fit well? Is it not in the correct Tango style?

    I tried to email you, but the email address you left bounces.

  2. foo says:

    Can you get the Debian package updated too?

    Yes, after some time to let people test the changes.

  3. Porcolino says:

    I don’t have an email, that’s why it bounces.
    Try to change your theme to the high contrast ones and then look at the applications in GNOME menu. Only a couple of them have made icons for these themes. 😦

  4. anon says:

    Good project. Maybe it will make people realise the usefulness of having their X server set up with the proper DPI and maybe put some more pressure on driver developers to actually set the correct value.

  5. Porcolino:
    The icon looks quite tangoish to me.
    Should be rather simple for anyone interested in drawing a HighContrast-icon. Probably doable in a hour or so. Maybe worth putting a request on

  6. Scott says:

    Using Ubuntu 8.10
    Screen Ruler 0.85

    The ruler is not to scale, meaning if I put a “real” ruler up to the screen to compare to the “screen” ruler the “screen” ruler is about 20% shorter!!!

    This has been fixed in 0.88, which uses a better method of determining screen DPI, and also lets you configure the setting manually for when the system tells ScreenRuler bad information (which seems common). Please give it a try!

    See the related bug report here:

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